Democratic Electoral Systems, 1946-2020

Rules of Legislative and Presidential Elections in Democratic States, 1946-2020.

Linking Ethnic Data from Africa

Linking 11 different data sources on ethnicity in Africa.

Globalization, Institutions, and Ethnic Inequality

Explaining trends in ethnic inequality around the world, 1992-2013.

A Fast Estimator for Binary Choice Models with Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-Temporal Interdependence

A fast estimator for binary outcome variables with spatio-temporal interdependence .

Uncertainty, Cleavages, and Ethnic Coalitions

New theory and data on the formation and duration of ethnic coalitions in 134 states between 1946 and 2009.

Power Sharing: Institutions, Behavior, and Peace

Mediation analysis on the link between power-sharing institutions, power-sharing behavior, and the likelihood of ethnic armed conflict.

Reputation, Concessions, and Territorial Civil War

Theorizing and testing scope conditions for Walter's reputation theory in the context of governmental power sharing.

A Slippery Slope: The Domestic Diffusion of Ethnic Civil War

Outlines and evaluates mechanisms how ethnic armed conflicts diffuse within states.

The Contingent Diffusion of Parliamentary Oversight Institutions in the European Union

Explains which EU member states adopt parliamentary oversight institutions as a result of their adoption in other states.

Triangulating horizontal inequality - Toward improved conflict analysis

We combine geographic and survey data to obtain more valid measures of ethnic inequality.