
Rules of Legislative and Presidential Elections in Democratic States, 1946-2020.

Linking 11 different data sources on ethnicity in Africa.

Explaining trends in ethnic inequality around the world, 1992-2013.

A fast estimator for binary outcome variables with spatio-temporal interdependence .

New theory and data on the formation and duration of ethnic coalitions in 134 states between 1946 and 2009.

Working Papers

We propose a novel MCEM estimator for a family of latent-Gaussian multivariate spatio-temporal models with large N.

Using mixed methods, we find that foreign intervention on behalf of rebels destabilizes subsequent territorial power-sharing deals.

We explore the endogeneity of ethnic power-sharing coalitions and armed conflict via a formal model and a new selection estimator.

Data Projects

Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) Dataset Family 2019

Data on ethnic groups’ access to state power, their settlement patterns, links to rebel organizations, transborder ethnic kin …

Democratic Electoral Systems

Information on electoral rules in 1,563 legislative elections and 592 presidential elections in democracies since 1946.

Ethnic Dimensions Data

Linguistic, religious, and racial cleavages segments of ethnic groups in the Ethnic Power Relations dataset.

Linking Ethnic Data from Africa

Link between 10’000 ethnic categories in 11 datasets on ethnic groups in Africa


Below you find a selection of courses I have taught in recent years. I also frequently teach workshops on the statistical programming language R with a focus on data management, graphics, and geographic information systems (GIS). Get in touch if you would like me to teach such a workshop.

University of Essex

University of Exeter

Witten/Herdecke University

ETH Zürich


  • Department of Philosophy, Politics & Economics, Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58448 Witten, Germany
  • My office hours are on Wednesdays between 15:00 and 17:00.
  • Book an appointment